Friday, March 12, 2010
Monday, October 12, 2009
...ohno! not again...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
...diarrhea of the mouth...
...i stuffed myself with so much food today that i was totally washed out when i reached home. why did i have to stuff myself with all those weird looking stuffs into my stomach; paying so high for it and spending tonnes of money for it and all it goes was direct passage thru my anal. and i must learn to be nice to people from now on.
i am suffering from diarrhea of the mouth. too much bitching news comes out from my mouth. mebbe its getting smellier by the day. darn. bitching. releasing frust. writing facebook messages. lunch bitching session. tea bitching session. msn bitching session. talk about life man. this disease gotta be cured soon man.
but somehow this disease has helped to discharge all the negative energy and let me regain back some positive energy. and i guess, i just had my biggest diarrhea just a couple of minutes ago in thru my anal passageway! i have already let it go by the big discharge. its satisfying when u have such big discharge. i am free mouth stinks no more. darlie fresh! see me smile!...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
...pretty xCITE! in bangkok...

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009
...colors of our lives...
...picture was taken with my sgh e900 when i was in the states. it was a splurge; a trip of a lifetime and i was with fred. the picture is actually the ceiling of a hotel lobby; i think its the bellagio the famous hotel in vegas. oh vegas is marvellous. awesome array of lights and people. and the hotels architecture; i simply fell in love with vegas. astonishing.
the multitudes of shades and the colorful glass made the whole world so bright. if i had not looked up, i would not have seen this work of beauty. i totally love this shot. it reminds me of how beautiful our lives can be if we would just look up the sky and smile...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
...triple happiness...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
...i've found myself a manager. and i am so going on with the absolutely wonderful concept. and i need support. who is into character development, i need your support...
Monday, August 10, 2009
...two - one +...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
...finding light...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
...naked truth...
i had dinner with this fren last nite; again at the curve which makes it 3 consecutive days at the curve; officially spending rm6 for parking and rm6 for toll. we had a wonderful long chat; helping him here and there for the wedding preparation; getting friends to sing opening song, yadda-yadda-yadda and lots of phone calls and interesting discussions about other people. and coming out with the most amazing idea for 32idc. amazing again dnbl wud ask. and he will end up with KK LM CB amazing again. wakakaz. i will be there to make it happen. congratulations again my dear friend...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
...plastics... was quite a last minute arrangements actually. kevin asked me out for dinner and i said yes. since both of us have not been to the curve for the longest time, we suggested to make our presence there. initially it was all about cheapest food we can find. and most cost effective ones. then not long after that kevin said he has his claim approved and he will buy me dinner; anything also can. wakakaz. since money not so much of an issue. so suggest kao-kao expensive places. but ended up little penang munching on lobak and otak otak! which was okler. since kevin is buying dinner.
but seriously money not enough di. salary not out yet. soon i think. soon. or issit out di? shud be out le. so, my dinner date with kevin was like a bitching session; arent all our dinner session are bitching session. he has not heard me bitched about this plastic ball MCB turtle head for the longest time and he needed upates on this plastic ball MCB turtle head. wakakaz. so all our energy and mental thoughts are focused on this plastic ball MCB turtle head. once upon a time a fairy tale of a plasticball turtle who went fishing; hoping to get a big fish but ended having the need to make executive decision to overwrite others opinion; closing the space for interaction and narrowing down the need to use the constipated mind that has a diorrhea of the mouth MFCB shit. this piece of bitching agenda went on for few hours without any of us knowing the time.
haih. wtf man. ok. lets not waste any more time of plastic balls. it was great to catch up again. and it was wonderful chatting...
Saturday, July 25, 2009 a knife?...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
...incredible india...

45degrees have really taken a toll on me. as soon as i reached the hotel, i went and soak myself in the bathtub in cold water. wah. KNS dem melegakan man. rest a while then packed my stuffs and checked out from the hotel. since my flight is like midnite, and its only like 6pm. i had 2 more hours to spare so spent the last 2hours completing the transpyres slides and had milkshake and calamari with it in the hotel bar.
talking about food, indian food i love. the tandoori the curries the lassis wah seh dem nice man. and everyday during our meeting, we were served tea every hour. wah. those ppl there hor really NBTD. they will come in to the meeting room every hour to check on our tea and change for you; either that they will serve us coke. wakakkaz. drink coke during the super hot 45degrees summer of delhi will keep us all awake during the hot afternoons of delhi. nah, we didn capture our requirements in front of taj mahal. we were in the office but the aircond not cold also.
the few days in delhi was great. my first time to india and yea, i want to go back there again. i dont mind the 45degrees. i dont mind the hot weather. and i do enjoy my 4 days there. waking up and going to work at 11.30am malaysian time is not something we can do all the time. wakakaz. incredible india...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
...all things good...
...yesterday was bhante's birthday. had dinner with bhante. my first time munching with him and a short ninety minutes dinner was filled with so many things to talk about. amazing. bhante said he never knew i had such good "vocabulary" when it comes to writing. do i? hahaha. mostly learned knowledge!
sometimes i felt that i am quite blessed; my life is filled with so many challenges and so many exciting things happening and that is what keeps me going all these while. the challenges are great. the deal i got is wonderful. tiring? absolutely but exhilirating. life is really rewarding after all. have learnt alot especially from the three of them; which taught me some very valuable lessons in life. all things good. and i still owe someone some design flyers. darn. gotta get to work soon.
something positive ler today ya. wakakaz...
blogging @airport. totally nbtd.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
..all about robin...
that was about robin sharma. robin sharma live and in person in malaysia. wakakaz. i have been living with robin since like god knws when, day in day out its about robin. every corner of my table is about robin. every angle i turn its about robin. thats how crazee i am with robin. and due to my craze in him, i somehow become the project coordinator to host him in malaysia; taking care of his needs and requirements from food to seminar hall to audio and his high bench chair with back and two tables and lots of water. yea. indeed very celebrity style. and of course, being me i gotta make it 101% successful, top class event, premiere service with celebrity chef. even though it means lack of sleep and i have to do it all alone. i am sure its worth my effort. and yes. indeed we made it a world class event; quote jason the ceo of sharma leadership international. and i am glad that the event was almost flawless. u will be shocked with my pages after pages of my documentations. and of course datin seri tiara jacquelina loved the teddy bear on her name label...

Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
...hawt afternoon hawt gear...

Saturday, May 2, 2009
...ex-coursemates gathering...

Friday, May 1, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
...happy belated birthday MEtz...