Tuesday, April 25, 2006
... was in kaohsiung, taiwan to conduct some training session for group of youth between the age of 18 to 25, with participation from korea, taiwan, thailand, australia, india, nepal, france, japan, indonesia and etc. truly an international event; this guy out of nowhere from malaysia to conduct an international experiential learning workshop. i was fortunate enough to be given this opportunity to present myself there and being recognised at such level. truly an honour for me. now i have friends from all over the world, and getting invitation to conduct more session back in their home country. and of course, the invitation i most look forward to is in osaka, japan as well as paris, france. osaka and paris here i come...
(pictures are posted below)

...koahsiung international airport. by the time i arrived in kaohsiung, it was almost midnite. most counters were closed. after a long bumpy 2 hours ride with china airlines, it was indeed good to be on land again. and tomorrow begins my journey in koahsiung. apparently that day, a 6.0 earthquake hit taipei. nothing in kaohsiung though, but ruben's flight was to transit in taipei on the same day i arrived in kaohsiung. but i checked with him, he didnt feel a twitch. wakakaz...

...my visit to fo guang shan. indeed, a very huge big place. someone told me at nite it looks like las vegas. the entire place was litted up with large amount of light bulbs and neon lights. indeed it lived up to its name literally translated to english - buddha light mountain. which makes it impossible for someone on a plane to miss it from air. all the names there are sort of like translated from chinese, eg: cloud dwelling building, east chan building, bamboo garden lodge, pilgrimage lodge, etc. i have the privilege in staying in one of their vip room in bamboo garden lodge, exactly like a hotel room, 2 beds a tv and toiletries available. i particularly like the great buddha land, lots of the buddha statues there, with a huge big one overlooking the hill. (fo guang shan is located on top of a hill). at night i would go out to the great buddha land and sit there, sometimes chat with a good fren from korea, won seok aka rain about alot of stuff from life to relationship to studies and dreams. its just an amazing place to be. the peacefulness, the serenity the view overlooking the longest bridge and seeing the beautiful skyline of kaohsiung from afar.
fgs is so huge, that to walk from one building to another is really dem far. coupled with the hot weather in kaohsiung, it is indeed quite painful to walk, especially when it is going uphill. gosh!. fo guang shan; indeed is a superbly nice place to visit in taiwan...

...i had so much fun in taiwan. my best friends there were koreans and thai. where ever we go, shopping, photography session, etc...the few of us will be stuck to each other, and we shall wonder about kaohsiung city like some lost souls. my korean frens - rain, bae yung jun and chungja cant speak chinese. my thai fren, den cant speak chinese either. i speak little chinese, enough to understand that language, and so i thought.
this is a story of 5 good frens, 4 mandarin-less and one knows little mandarin and how they survived in a city of all MANDARIN SPEAKING fellas. (please ignore my bad romanise mandarin)
it all started when we decided that we should be in town to celebrate. hei, its kaohsiung and its our first time here. what the heck. worst is we'd get lost. but so what if we got lost. its alright. we have a map and money and i can speak "hua yue" a little. so, it began our journey to town. and we thought it was gonna be easy.
we wanted to take a bus cos its cheaper; about NT67 compared to a cab which is about NT150 each. then some taiwanese guy told us to get a cab; which cost NT500 for 5 person. its ok, cos that would be NT100 each. but, i do not even know how to call a cab. i asked one of the taiwanese guy, "cher li you taxi mar?" and i said taxi in english, with those little americanised slang. and he looked back at me and ask, "sher mo shi taxi?" i was stunned, u mean they do not know what is taxi? and later he told me, you mean "chi cherng cher?" i was like, what the heck is that? i know "cher" means car or something. and so i said, yaya, not knowing what if it is really car. and lucky, a taxi came. that guy helped us to call a cab. phew. and ya, it cost NT500.
we went to fongshan, some nite market shopping; which is the nearest from where we stayed. shopping was indeed difficult. we were at this stall and bae yung jun wants to buy something, so he pulled me to the stall and ask me to help him to bargain. then i ask that fella, "chi tor chien?" she then looked back at me, like she has just seen a ghost and said, "oh, ni shuo shi, tor shau chien sher ma?" i was like, yaya, "tor shau chien". from then, i know how to ask the price already. hmm, my mandarin sucks!!!
fred ask me to buy some sour plum. and when i saw a shop selling all sour plums, i went in and ask her, "ni you suan mei, mar?" she said, "you". doh what a question to ask. i remembered fred saying he doesnt like those sweet ones. and i was like wtf, how do i say that? so, i ask, "nar yi ker suan mei bu shi tian tian de?" then she said something like, taiwanese ppl likes the sweet ones, and its the trend now. so i ask her again, which one is the most sour among all the sweet sweet ones. and if you want to know how i ask that, pls check with me. then she showed me some sour sour ones, which is all black in color. then i said to her, "wo bu yao hei se de. wo yao nar ke, pai pai se de". what the heck am i talking about.
there are many more incident of my taiwan trip. worst being the time we need to order food. rain and bae yung jun was asking me, what is this and what is that; pointing at some stalls. u know, knowing how to speak mandarin is just not quite enough. you gotta know how to read a little. sometimes being a show off infront of those english speaking frens that i can read and speak chinese, not much but enough...but no....how wrong was i. when rain ask me what is written there, i was like, staring at the words and try to figure out the word; ended up saying, rain, i cant read chinese. and i have to ask.
yeap, back to ordering food. i cant remember how to say chicken and pork in mandarin. doh! "chi rou is pork and chu rou is chicken" or was it the other way around. yaya, it was the other way around. and rain wanted to eat rice instead of noodles. but noodles is so easy to order. i told rain, let us all eat nooldes ler. then he said he really wanted rice. so here goes, "ni you fan mai mar?". she said, "you. ni yao sher mo fan. wo zhi li you chi rou fan, you chu rou..something something which i figured it is roast pork" then i told rain, you want pork rice or chicken rice? rain wanted the roast port rice. then there is this occasion, when this guy spoke to me in hokkien, then i said to him, "ni ke yi ziang hua yue mar?" then he was also like so shock and ask, "oh, ni shuo shi kuo yue mar? hau. wo ken ni ziang kuo yue" and then he spoke mandarin to me.
so, after every shopping and stopping at every stall, i would tell them that this is my friend from korea and this is my fren from thailand. and i am from malaysia. and they all will say, i can speak good mandarin. my face were so red that everyone could see i was glowing in the dark. hahaha, the taiwanese praised me that i can speak good mandarin. i got their slang and they thought i am a taiwanese and thats why they gave me good bargains on stuff. wakakaz. there shoots up my ego.
other places we visited includes the zhongsan university, lots of nite shopping, ferry ride, some brittish collonial house, shopping complex, fo guang shan, etc. my most memorable experience in kaohsiung was sitting on the rock in zhongsan university, looking out at the sunset with 4 of my good frens; savouring every seconds of it.
there are many more occasion when i spoke mandarin all day. above is just a few embarassing moments i had. i have never spoken so much mandarin in my life before and just 7 days in kaohsiung has helped me improve my mandarin so much.
come find me to chat and i will tell you more stories about taiwan. i have 2000 over photos to show and chat. it is indeed a real good experience for me. come come find me for yamchar.
so, this is the story of 5 good frens from 3 different countries, 3 koreans - one rain, one bae yung jun and another upcoming superstar all beautiful people and a thai with me malaysian had our most wonderful time in kaohsiung.
(jang won seok) rain - got to know him in thailand 2 years ago, indeed a great guy. talked to him the most, shared alot of stories and life fitness, slimming and stuff with him. i like photography, and he likes to pose for my camera. so a great couple.
(lee kyung min) bae yung jun - was actually looking for rain and he wasnt in his room, but yung jun was. and we started talking. he is so much into camera and stuff and our conversation soon becomes of camera and angle and lights and stuff. and each nite we would share photographs, and he would comment which one is good and how i should improve. my photography guru. he taught me alot on skills and how to take nice pictures.
chungja-ko - beautiful korean girl, studied in singapore for 2 years, understands my manglish, speaks with lots of la. met her in korea 2 years ago too in seoul for some training session. she is stunningly beautiful and she looks so photogenic that yung jun takes her picture whenever possible. obviously i will tag behind yung jun and take the same picture from another angle.
den - a good fren from thailand. whenever i visit bangkok, he will be the one person to arrange all my accomodation and travelling and clubbing and eating and constantly meeting new people and etc.
and so, what's next? osaka, japan man. so these 5 friends made a pack to meet in osaka next and have a fun time running around japan. heck, i took level 1 japanese. shucks, gotta learn up some arigato gozaimasu already...
Saturday, April 15, 2006
...15.04.06...i flew to bangkok in the afternoon. the flight was full and i could not get a window seat. darn. was at the airport at about noon and checked in and went to the boarding gate and waited for boarding time. luckily the whole klia has wifi. so i turned on the computer and start checking mails and going online msn to chat. when my battery was almost dead, and by that time, it is almost boarding time already. arrived about an hour late in bangkok. apparently there was bangkok air traffic jam so the plane had to cirlce himself a few times before he can land. reached the immigration, there was a long line so i waited and waited and waited. when it was my turn, i the officer at the counter was looking up and down at my passport. then i was brought to another counter. again, she looked at my passport, as if i was an escaped convict and i looked like one of the escapees. serious, no joke. at that time, i was thinking, what did i do wrong. aw man, why me. i was so freaking out and i kept asking the lady, whats wrong with my passport. finally she replied, oh my colleague have not seen a malaysian passport. haha, apparently, it was in malay. wakakakz. my fren was already there waiting for me at the airport. upon arrival, my fren told me that he had all the plans ready for me tonite. first, go to his apartment, shower then for dinner and khao san road for songkran. and he has a friend there ready with pails and water guns. getting down all wet with songkran. and for the first time in my life, bangkok has NO TRAFFIC JAM. yes, practically no traffice jam. why? wakakaz, songkran, everyone balik kampung. its a long long holiday in bangkok...
Thursday, April 13, 2006
not around office. more updates when i return. if can access internet shall update more.
...tsunami of life...
...a day full of shocking news and awkward requests and unstoppable waves that sinks you deeper into state of unreasonable desires to strive on. its just so difficult.
:: what are my options ::
a. graze on the grass on the other side...
b. hang on tough...
c. climb out of the tsunami...
a. graze on the grass on the other side...
b. hang on tough...
c. climb out of the tsunami...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
...words of wisdom...

group managing director
REDtone Technology
...have attachment to your goals. you must be persistent enough to achieve your goals. and with that, work with positive people; positive in thinking, positive in words, etc because they create alot of positive energy to you and the people around you..
datuk dr victor wee (left)
secretariat general
ministry of tourism, malaysia
...put in energy and passion in your goals to ensure it last long enough to be achieved…
...in support of INCOVAR...
youth today are in a constant quest to seek for truth and happiness. different conditions and tendencies prevails in different parts of the world. we recognize the various formative influences which shape the youth; their constant quest for certainty and existential stability.
they quest for values and meaning; searching for clear ethical directives. if we understand how youth wants to live and live meaningfully, we can meet their search in terms which are relevant; by providing them a sense of INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILTY and EMPIRICAL EXPLORATION.
@ INCOVAR, we provide a platform for learning, contributing, and experiencing. it is a platform to bring forward the good values and provide youth with the true meaning of life.
@ INCOVAR, we value individual expression
@ INCOVAR, we treasure unity in diversity
@ INCOVAR, we make a difference people’s life.
living INCOVAR means living a purposeful life, filled with enthusiasm, energy, and INSPIRATION.
youth today are in a constant quest to seek for truth and happiness. different conditions and tendencies prevails in different parts of the world. we recognize the various formative influences which shape the youth; their constant quest for certainty and existential stability.
they quest for values and meaning; searching for clear ethical directives. if we understand how youth wants to live and live meaningfully, we can meet their search in terms which are relevant; by providing them a sense of INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILTY and EMPIRICAL EXPLORATION.
@ INCOVAR, we provide a platform for learning, contributing, and experiencing. it is a platform to bring forward the good values and provide youth with the true meaning of life.
@ INCOVAR, we value individual expression
@ INCOVAR, we treasure unity in diversity
@ INCOVAR, we make a difference people’s life.
living INCOVAR means living a purposeful life, filled with enthusiasm, energy, and INSPIRATION.
Because @ INCOVAR
…we inspire….
…we inspire….
Sunday, April 9, 2006
...appraisal day. story from chuah...
once there were 2 oysters sitting on the bed of the sea. these 2 oysters were friends and good neighbours. one fine morning, one of the oyster woke up and open his clams wide and big and feeling happy and cheerful. feeling energetic and joyous, he then woke the other oyster up. screaming his lungs (as if got lungs ler) out with good morning. but his neighbour sort of like feeling miserable and tired and down said to his good friend that his body was aching and painful. his cheerful and joyous friend seeing his neighbour in pain and suffering couldn't do much to help at all. then, a crab (don't ask me why a crab) walked pass and saw the aching oyster in pain and seems to be suffering.

the cheerful oyster then ask the crab what is going on with his good friend. then the crab said that, the oyster is suffering because he is cultivating a pearl inside him. somehow someway a little stone went into the oyster and because of that, he is suffering high and low now because the alien stone is going through some processes that will eventually turn it into a pearl.
chuah's version of the moral ::
we need to suffer and be in pain first before we can enjoy the fruit of it. pain and suffering is part and parcel of life (hmm, chuah so buddhist...basic buddhism). we need to learn how to deal with it and eventually the pain will be gone and we will see the positive results of it.
my version (partly chuah's version too. add on) ::
olden days yes. its by chance that the silly stone got into the oyster in which eventually it became a pearl thru some heartache processes. these days, ppl purposely put an alien into the oyster to cultivate pearl. i see it as, we need a mentor to guide us and lead us the way. the mentor picks us. alot of things is not by pure luck anymore. we need to lay alot of groundwork to make things happen for us. don't underestimate the power of the mentor. alex gave me a very interesting topic to think it over. choose your mentor properly. and learn from them. but more importantly is how we can be a good mentee. are we a good mentee? alex words truly rings the bell ALL THE TIME.
(well my version don't really jive with the story. its just that alex just only talked to me and somehow its still fresh in my memory and just relate to it and i think its a great to have met up with alex that morning)
...my appraisal the oyster story...
Friday, April 7, 2006
...product launching. lite and lite plus @ eastin hotel...
1. brand awareness done externally, but internally many still unaware of what is liteplus.
2. nothing in the office that shows eduversal lite, especially in the software room.
3. internal programmers not aware of eduversal lite or even eduversal.com
4. software room:biggest room in iitc has nothing about eduversal anywhere. not even mousepad.
5. is this weakness in brand awareness.
6. we fail quite miserably with internal ppl. arent the internal ppl who helps to publicise the brand?
anyway, 2 nice pictures here to see. enjoy...

1. brand awareness done externally, but internally many still unaware of what is liteplus.
2. nothing in the office that shows eduversal lite, especially in the software room.
3. internal programmers not aware of eduversal lite or even eduversal.com
4. software room:biggest room in iitc has nothing about eduversal anywhere. not even mousepad.
5. is this weakness in brand awareness.
6. we fail quite miserably with internal ppl. arent the internal ppl who helps to publicise the brand?
anyway, 2 nice pictures here to see. enjoy...

Tuesday, April 4, 2006
...till death do us part...

...product launch. 5 april 2006 @ eastin hotel @ 9.30am. some comments here that is worth giving some thoughts into.
a. logo is a weed. no matter what dandelion is a weed. weed is a pest. ppl kill weed.
b. launching during cheng ming day. actual day somemore.
c. souvenirs; thus i have heard some clock. i hope not. or is it an organiser.
wht is it with this scenario. all also like related to death thingy. of course i hope and i think will not be lar. cos i already wet my hair in it.
but most definitely, it marks the beginning of a new era. something to makes us proud of once again to be in here.
but of course, this time worst. no invitation like the previous time. i malu malu go invite myself. last minute get nametag somemore. doh.
oh, kanjana came from bangkok for the launch. met with her. she looks the same. no change. as usual her happy look, her smiling face and her soft giggle lighten the day. i bought her famous amos cookies. i am sure she will love it. cos it is not sold in bangkok. only in malaysia. hahaha...
Monday, April 3, 2006
...who dunnit...
...it happens a few weeks ago. 17.03.2006. my watch was stolen. i left it on my table and knowing me, my table is quite messy like matt's table (organised mess i call it) somehow this bugger found my watch and took it. but, who could have dunnit in this secured software room? this was what happened. i was very sad then cos tht watch was a gift from a very dear friend of mine. i still dare not tell him that it was stolen. :(
it was a friday nite, the nite i took the SUCCESS airlines thingy. loon, egg and me were chatting all the way in the office until 9.49pm, thts the time we left office. @ about 10++ admin ppl got a call from secom that alarm went off. but it was fixed within like 20min. then saturday i was back to work until about 7+. on the same nite, admin ppl received a call from secom that alarm went off at 3+am. but of course it was fixed within like 20min. come monday morning, as usual, i was the first to come. upon reaching my table i saw my files were on the floor. but it didn occured to me that something is wrong. and my neighbour, nicole came in next and she held up my tripod and ask what is the tripod doing on her chair. and i was like, wtf, my tripod on her chair. yet, it didn occured to me tht it was abnormal. dunno why ler. two days later, support manager told me tht her desk was like ransacked and the things on her table was abit out. and tht the trainers side cupboard was forced open that his bankbook was missing. then, it suddenly occured to me that, my watch. dem. and when i rushed back to my table, i couldn't find my watch. dem. luckily that saturday, i took my camera and my ext hdd and my palm home cos tht sunday was the induction camp.
who dunnit? i dunno. nobody knows. alarm working. software room is secured. need card and id to go in. so, who dunnit? its cheng ming period too. could it be...
Saturday, April 1, 2006
...another weekend...
...saturday and sunday : i am stuck in the office rushing to complete tms quality improvement session, ilmi outstanding stuff which is gonna due next week and assisting in ischeduler presentation on monday.
major events/milestone next week:
1. ischeduler presentation to mrsm
2. ilmi development deadline
3. product launching
4. meeting with datuk ksu next week friday
5. conduct *change management training to ciast
6. cgpa/gpa integration with tms meeting
7. another screwdriver day during steering committee meeting @ mohr
2. ilmi development deadline
3. product launching
4. meeting with datuk ksu next week friday
5. conduct *change management training to ciast
6. cgpa/gpa integration with tms meeting
7. another screwdriver day during steering committee meeting @ mohr
blur blur di...