...why interview...
...i was interviewing a girl; introduced by my snr manager. she was applying for the position a sa kind of role. they call it application consultant. well, for a start she already gave a bad impression of herself. she did not read the instruction clearly on the test that we provided. it was specifically mentioned that you have to answer all questions. but, she only answered half of it. i was like, wtf man, simple instruction can't even follow. (it was a simple test to check on one's personality). applying for sa but can't even follow that simple instructions? doh.
ok. next question i throw to her was, this one my previous snr sa taught me one. i throw her a map to iitc and ask her to explain to me how do i get from my office in midvalley to iitc? i said, just pretend we are on the phone now and describe the directions for me to go to iitc. first thing she ask me was, do you know bangsar? i said, yea, i know bangsar. the road leading to damansara heights. bangsar shopping complex on my right. ok, then she said, go straight and when you reach a traffic light, turn to ur left. then go straight somemore. u will reach a toll. that is the phileo damansara toll. you pay rm1 for the toll. i then said, ok. but have i reach ikea or 1-utama already? she said, no. not yet. then i said, ok.
she continued her direction by telling me, just pay the toll and go straight along the road. all the way straight and you will come to damansara uptown on your right. i was abit lost already, so i asked her, are we anywhere near ikea, cos i love shopping at ikea and all my house furniture is from ikea. i usually go ikea on weekends to checkout the latest design. then she answered me, no. not ikea. we are at damansara uptown. from there, you turn right towards the toll. but just before the toll, you go up the bridge towards sony. i then told her again that 1-utama is a nice shopping place cos i love to go shopping there. then she said a whole bunch of things, sri kdu, petronas, etc and voila you turn left and you see iitc. i was like wow. and i told her, congratulations, i am lost.
the whole time she was not even looking at the map i gave her and she was not even sure of the directions. a map was given to her, but she did not even bother checking out what is in there. well, it was a farnee situation and i was surprise that she didnt know how to explain to me the directions; giving simple direct explantions, detailed with landmarks and etc.
my next few questions was to check her personality and her attitude. she is totally not melancholic, so how do we expect someone who is not melancholic to do sa which requires alot of details and documentations? well, congratulations, she did not give a good impression to me that is. so, i didn't give a yes to her. my colleague justin was next to interview her and he asked a set of question and he came out with a set of conclusion which made me like wow. ok. i don't think i can see that in her or even in the near future. anyway, it was a yes to justin cos she is groomable. wakakaz. loon was laughing his heart out groom-able. my snr manager kept on saying that she is good cos she can go out and meet customer. and she is very independent. well, being able to go out does not necessary mean you can set the right expectations and manage the customer well.
wakakaz, who am i to judge people anyway. and well, i think annice has been a fabulous mentor to me all these while and i really appreciate all the comments, all the scoldings, all the guidance, all the corrections that was given to me; making me grow and learned. she has been my greatest inspiration until today and well, she is the only one i can shout loud - a good mentor...