Sunday, March 19, 2006


...introducing rufus. he likes to run around my legs, following me whereever i walk around the porch, as i go into my car, as i open the gate, or close the gate. when i come out from my car to go into my house, he will run towards me and like greet me when i step foot out from my car. even when the gate is open, he will never wander out of the compound. he will sit quietly just infront of our main door and if he sees us he will try to climb into the house. my dad has put a small door block thingy to avoid him trying to come into the house. and of course he and my dad are like good frens as my dad will jaga him very well. feed him nice food, tuna and bread, toast, etc. and he enjoys the tuna very much. he is also fond of muruku. dunno why ler...

...rufus : my dad's new pet...


Anonymous Annice said...

OMG !!!!!!! it's so CUTE !

March 19, 2006 at 10:41 PM  
Anonymous philcp said...

nice doggy... :)
btw, long time no chat cheeonn...
hope you doing well...

March 20, 2006 at 2:13 AM  
Anonymous Jyon said...

...yeap. cute. his brother is white in color. more cute. but was stolen by some idiots. so hard to get him sit still and capture a good site of him.

hi philip. yeap. its been so long di. hows ibm treating u?...

March 20, 2006 at 3:16 AM  
Anonymous forestfyre said...

so cute... his face so 'cham' one...

March 23, 2006 at 10:01 PM  
Anonymous Nee Sern said...

shooooooo kiutttttt

March 28, 2006 at 6:33 PM  

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