Thursday, March 16, 2006

...blew up today...

...i so screwed one of my colleague today. i was so freaking frustrated over his attitude of talk too much, complaints too much, reasoning too much, wasting time talking to him kind of attitude that i shouted at him and its over. everyone else was watching me walking away with anger.

i just asked him to open his dept door for me for a while to check something as i was rushing out to jtm meeting and i so needed the document and i am so late. yea, its already 1245pm and he was waiting to go for lunch. so i mar ask can u just open the door and lemme check if the document is in there. he gave tonnes of excuses, 2pm ler, not free ler, cannot leave me alone in there lar, this lar, that lar and i was so late already that i just shouted, you want to open or not. yet he gave the same excuses. i just freaking shouted out, fine, if u do not want to open the door, just say you freaking dont want to. dont give me excuses. and i just walked away. everyone else was like, shit wht happened just now.

then rushed to meeting in jtm, another idiot was asking stupid questions about asking me to be creative to design the screens and he will see if it meets his requirements. i was so like wtf u talking. wht u f*-ing want, just tell me and i see if can be done within timeline. dont ask me to be creative and do first and later show the f*-ing thing to u. and later u f*-ing print out and see if it meets the requirements or not. f* dude the requirements stage is so over di ler; 2 years ago, where have u been? hiding in ur stupid cave like u have been doing all these while? i was so freaking mad today at the meeting especially at tht idiot and i know everyone noticed tht. and of course everyone was so freaking mad with tht idiot too. and tht idiot left the meeting without saying anything.

well, i think i learn a lesson here. its just so hard to control ur anger when u are faced with those idiots. dem those idiots. i am known to be a patient person all these while and i just blew it today. later i apologised to those guys who saw me burst out to that idiot.

i will not do that again. i hope. i am so dem tired now and still going thru the requirements from ilmi. next will be pnc. and i am so sorry for all the f* languages here and there...


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