Wednesday, January 4, 2006 south africa coke... fren jason bought me a can of coke from south africa when he was there for work recently. love it very much. here is a snap shot of the coke. gosh! south africans drinks big coke - 450ml. and malaysian drinks a 325ml. will post more pictures of my coke collection later...


Anonymous Aaron Tan said...

how about your South Africa gf? show us the pic!


January 6, 2006 at 5:01 PM  
Anonymous USoup said...

"can 4 of 6"???? =.="

Eh, i didn't know that the "Coke" tradition still lasts... after what, 5 years??? hehehe

January 18, 2006 at 6:35 AM  
Anonymous Jyon said...

usoup, the coke tradition already gone liao. no more such tradition ler. so many years di. yea, can 4 of 6; they have the whole set but for my fren to bring back all 6 is like 3 kilos...wakakakz...

January 19, 2006 at 12:18 AM  

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