Tuesday, January 13, 2009

...alive and kicking...

...two days of steamboat in a row. wakakaz. first it was the tigers vs monkeys steamboat by meng kor who so happily organized for us. it was great to catch up again with old colleagues after such a long time but somehow i sense abit of strange as we could not connect well during the dinner. mebbe the long absence. however not, we are so happy to be back together bitching around and constantly striving so hard to restrain from unkind words that screw people asses.
while we were on the topic of screwing, i have been constantly being irritated by maxis services recently and they are totally fcuked up. nobody CAN DO ANYTHING there. and if this post shows up in any search engine, YES MAXIS SUCKS. despite it is known as MAlaysia Xcellent Service. should be more of MAhai tiukaokaoXService. customer service staffs are practically; if i may use the word STUPID. no consistency in what they say. basically i can summarise them to be TOTAL FCUKED UP company. shitty services. useless service staff. and brainless people. argh shcuks stupid ma-fcukedup-xis.
and i had a great wonderful nite having steamboat dinner with daniel and ty.been awhile we sat down and talk crap and business; and they both are quite skilled in business sense too. very entrepreneurial as well. lots of ideas churned out. lots of daring pursuit. outnumbering the risks to be taken. somehow i wish the company i work with is capable or not.
i think its simply exciting time for them; for us to kick butts. as one person, not many things can get done. as a team; passionately involved coupled with skillful means, anything can happen. especially big bucks. because small people talk about small things. big people talk big. great people shares great ideas. we are totally in the category of great people. of course we are. wakakaz. now its time to implement the ideas and put them to work. its no longer just an idea. its a reality. lets kick ass guys...


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