Wednesday, May 28, 2008

...walking the tides of choices...

...29 incovar dhamma camp
walking the tides of change
it took me so long to design the logo. i didnt expect that i will be the one to design the logo although i knew that i will be the chosen one. and yes, again it was me to design the logo. in a way, i feel honoured to be given the opportunity to design the logo and tshirt for the 29idc. head wrecking process and mind constipated ideas. it was pevin who gave a book that struck the idea for the 29idc camp logo and a sudden twist of some of the functions in illustrator that made the logo. here is the evolution of the logo. it took me more than a month to think of the idea and trying to conceptualize the design, but only took me less than a day to materialise the design. quite happy to see the final design. and the color is not bad too. considering i wanted bright skyblue to begin with and ended up as turquoise blue.
the word change can be read the same upside down. that was the initial concept that i wanted to use and because of the change, which mj always kept reminding us that the camp is about change (i still cant accept the fact that so many changes were made without much justifcation).so i had to change my mind to make a change. so doh.
the logo can be viewed as - so direct symbolically matching to the theme but i think it is different in many ways. doh, quite a number of people dont see the tides. allex said, it looks like the evolution of men from a phoenix. wakakaz. i love the logo. its nice. i love the tshirt design too. its very commercial i would say. but too bad, the quality is seriously seriously doh. do buddhist people wear these kind of tshirt materials? doh again. anyway, turquoise blue is a nice change of color compared to the conventional chee onn's black and white symbols. yah, it is so so soooooooo chee onn! the design i mean...
...because at incovar, we inspire...


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