Wednesday, July 23, 2008

...first anniversary... marks the 1st anniversary of my first loveletter. farnee how kevin put it; first loveletter after 8 years of underground love. wakakaz. thought it was a quirky way of putting it. its also bck's birthday today. i remember exactly one year ago, seven early eight early i was in his room; passing him the loveletter which i so heavy heartedly wrote and going into his room and wished him happy birthday; handed the letter to him and immediately the felt something is not right. he closed the door behind me and read my loveletter. we threw everything on the table and made out - with words of course. it was the hardest 3 hours in the room. after 3 long hours of making out - my words obviously, he finally got it. and it was not the happiest of my days, but definitely memorable. another copy was cced to vp. happy one year anniversary to me...


Anonymous Annice said...

when second love letter coming?

July 24, 2008 at 8:35 PM  

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