...date with ahchai...
...i had a date with ahchai yesterday. it was something that i promised ahchai quite sometime ago that i will have coffee with ahchai. promised to have a coffee talk and chat the whole nite without boundaries. yea, we got our icelemontea talk about life. it was an interesting ice lemon tea talk we had. i totally enjoyed our chat. fabulous time with ahchai.
many things came about during our ice lemon tea session; particularly about trusting people and helping people. and coincidently when i got home after the dinner i pick up a book about trust and read this line from the book which just struck me:
what is trust? how do you know when to trust? and the answer was, you know it when you feel it. trust simply means having confidence. and how true that was. you will know it when you feel it. ahchai is definitely a feeling person. and i know ahchai is able to feel the trust building in him...
what is trust? how do you know when to trust? and the answer was, you know it when you feel it. trust simply means having confidence. and how true that was. you will know it when you feel it. ahchai is definitely a feeling person. and i know ahchai is able to feel the trust building in him...
Trust if when a chance is given to people when they deserve it.
To me, everyone deserve a chance, or even a 2nd chance.
Sometimes trust do get broken, and if it cannot be fixed anymore, then it's meant to be broken. But if you're willing to fix it anyhow, it'd be a great investment... to learn to trust again, is similar to learning to love again... to be all wide open.
Trust = Courage+Faith
i got the same book hehehe.... bought it last year but only read the first few pages :(
...time to start reading again man. read the other book first. u read it adi?...
...alex:having faith does help. no courage, better dont trust! been working and involved with buddhist work all these years makes me believes that under "my world" trust is something we dont even bother thinking but when you are out in the corporate, its a different thing alltogether...
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