Friday, December 21, 2007


...starting off the morning with a wonderful greeting from my ceo – “this guy will definitely succeed in whatever he does. he is a picture of success”. those simple words of wisdom made me felt warm and welcome and will strive on diligently to succeed with the organization. i remembered 6 months ago, ys made this simple stamement, “your page 3 is very impressive. why are you interviewing here?. you can do much more beyond what i can offer you here.” those simple words changed my perception and push me forward to go beyond what i think i can do; that is if i know what i can do.

a day of hardwork and a night of gratitude. it was the company’s gratitude night where i was called in to be the photographer. dressed up elegantly in suit, i marched out to do what i was paid to do – catch every single beautiful moment of the gratitude dinner. my tasks was to make sure every single frame i took represents a beauty to perfection.

everyone presence was a gift. a smile of elegance and a touch of beauty. avanti was a shot to call for. its beautiful settings and the mesmerizing christmas carolling to the blue colored drink, i indeed paid my gratituition to these crowd of people. candace and chris; the two clown of poser who mastered the skills of poserism. they love to pose for the camera. both will strike a pose whenever i am beside them. 3 beautiful ladies; joan, hun and aichen all dressed so ever so stylishly, they were the picturesque of beautiful people. indeed a nite of wonderful cheerful people.
i got my gratitude. i have (hopefully) learnt to go beyond my limit. and i am indeed grateful...


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