Sunday, December 31, 2006


kayena vaca cittena pamadena maya katam accayam khama me bhante bhuripanna tathagata
ettavata ca amhehi sambhatam punna sampadm sabbe deva anumodantu sabba sampatti siddhiya
idam me natinam hotu sukkhita hontu natayo x3
...january 1 marks the end of a period of remembrance of the passing year and the beginning of a new year. the rememberance part was hard to go by. the beginning part was afresh - chanting my way through the fireworks and meditating through the countdown of 2007. i had a refreshing beginning to this new year with tonnes of experiences to guide me through and many more sourish memories to push me ahead...
aspiration for 2007?
...imina punna kammena mame bala samagamo satam samagamo hotu yava nibbana pattiya...


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